Live list of the top 1000 most followed Bluesky accounts, updated every 10 minutes to get the latest rankings.
Next update in: 10 minutes
This tool provides a real-time ranking of the top 1000 most-followed accounts on Bluesky. The data is updated every 10 minutes to ensure the latest rankings are always available. This allows users to see Blueskys biggest and most popular accounts.
Top accounts data is collected using the official Bluesky API. By monitoring new follows and unfollows we can track in real time who is in the top 1000 accounts. Likewise, by using the official Bluesky API we ensure that all data is as accurate as possible.
This tool acts as a scoreboard for the largest accounts on Bluesky. Being in the top 1000 is a huge goal, and we wanted to show off those accounts. As such new users can get an idea of which accounts have the best content and most support. Likewise, users who have large followings can see how many followers they need to enter the top 1000 accounts.